Children's Author Peter Contardo

The Creator

Meet Peter Contardo: Local Pinewood Derby champion, Space Camp graduate, and the proud owner of a life-sized Yoda who passionately believes that grapes are nature’s candy and that we need more teachers like Ms. Frizzle!

Pausing his career as a video storyteller, marketing executive, and business consultant, Peter realized a 5-year-old childhood dream—to become a farmer—growing blueberries, harvesting pine trees, raising goats, and building a barn venue.

Peter’s farm life, exposure to sustainable practices, diverse professional background, and commitment to making a social impact are all deeply interwoven with the lessons he learned from his parents and family of early childhood educators. These experiences have infused his storytelling with a unique blend of heartwarming adventures, practical wisdom, and timeless values that connect with grown-ups and their little ones.

When he’s not crafting tales for the Macie-verse or reading to his granddaughter, Peter enjoys playing pickleball with his wife and amusing their grown-up children with movie quotes that he alone thinks are classic.

The fun doesn’t have to stop! Get ready because our veggie tales are just getting started; we share some magical resources and activities for you and your little sprouts!

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